Rates & Insurance

I am an Opted-Out provider.  This means I am not contracted with Medicare.  Medicare will not reimburse you for the cost of my services.  If you are a Medicare beneficiary, we will need to enter into a private contract for therapy services in order for me to treat you.

My fee for a 60-minutes psychotherapy session is comparable to rates of Master of Science level psychotherapists with over 30 years of experience in this area.   Please call for specifics: 408-356-4888.
Should you need or desire longer sessions, that may be arranged.

I am a Fee-for-Service Therapist (i.e. full payment is made at the beginning of each session) and an Out-of-Network-Provider (I am not affliated with any insurance company.)   Although I do not accept insurance, most of my clients who choose to submit Billing Statements to their insurance companies, are able to be reimbursed for some of their fees.   It is your responsibility to inquire about your specific insurance plan.   At the end of the month, I give clients two Billing Statements: one for their records and one for them to submit to their insurance company should their plan reimburse for Out-of-Network-Providers.

In general, most insurance companies do not reimburse for Phone Consultations, Missed Sessions or Late Cancellations.   Some insurance companies do not reimburse for Marital Counseling.   Some insurance companies only cover severe mental health diagnoses.   It is important for you to inquire about your specific coverage should you consider using insurance.

Please check your coverage carefully by asking your insurance representative the following questions:

  • Do I have outpatient mental health insurance benefits?
  • What is my deductible and has it been met?
  • Is there a limit to the number of sessions per year that my health insurance covers?
  • What is the coverage amount per therapy session?
  • Is approval required from my primary care physician?
  • Does my insurance reimburse me when I see someone who is an Out-of-Network-Provider such as Rosemary?
  • If so, what percentage or amount may I be reimbursed?

Reduced Fee
Reduced fee services are available on a limited basis.   Currently all reduced fee slots are filled.

Cash and checks are accepted for payment.

Cancellation Policy
Please give at least 48-hours advance cancellation notice should your schedule change by leaving me a message at 408-356-4888 or your full fee will be charged.

Questions? Please contact me for further information.   I am happy to speak with you.

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